Faba beans or field beans have two major uses; human consumption export and domestic animal feed
There are two types of Faba bean grown – winter and Spring. Spring beans are used for the export market and are normally sown in February and harvested in September.
The most popular variety is Fuego which has a large seed and a pale, smooth skin making it ideally suited to the various market demands. Winter beans are used for export as a split product as they are larger and flatter in size.
Faba beans are often consumed as Ful Medames or Falafel and are a staple food of many North African and Middle Eastern countries. The product is often canned or purchased by the end consumer dry and then pre-soaked before cooking.
Crops are grown under strict guidelines in an effort to achieve the highest quality possible, as this demands a premium. Growers are required to meet certain specifications to achieve their premiums, (specifically to keep bruchid beetle damage and stain to a minimum) whilst also ensuring that the produce is handled carefully at harvest time to avoid cracked seed coats.

Marrowfat Peas

Faba Beans

Yellow Peas

Green Peas

Yellow Split Peas

Green Split Peas

Split Beans

Maple Peas

Decorticated Product